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Game Design

For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
FTM5093 Game design research 3 6 Major Master Film, Television and Multimedia Korean Yes
This course helps students discover the research topics on game design and interaction based on an understanding of the history and present of the game industry. Discover and conduct research on thesis topics related to design elements, production methods, analysis, aesthetics, and social meaning of digital games.
GDN4001 Game Art 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master - No
Video games are implemented through engineering programming, but the core experience for players is composed of humanistic stories and artistic imagery. Game development belongs to the realm of the IT industry, but its essence lies in the convergence of cultural content. Therefore, the game development process revolves around various roles, including storytellers, 2D and 3D artists, animators, and experts in visual and sound effects. This course introduces various artistic techniques used in games. The focus of the course is on UI design methods and 2D animation methodologies, with an emphasis on learning techniques for creating effects using particles and 3D objects. Additionally, students will learn techniques for implementing various cinematic effects through Unity, such as camera direction and scene transitions.
GDN4002 AI and algorithm for video game 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master - No
Video games are implemented using various mathematical algorithms. To provide engaging combat experiences with enemies in games, various logic and algorithms are incorporated. Even simple unit movement within a game is developed based on algorithms that ensure the shortest path to the destination. In this course, various algorithms necessary for games will be taught to students at the level appropriate for students in an art school. The course will focus on teaching foundational algorithms required for games through simulations using pen and paper, without coding. Students will have the opportunity to experience solving various mathematical puzzles as part of their learning process.
GDN4003 Design What You Want 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master Korean Yes
This course teaches a different design approach from the representative user-centered design methodologies like UX or Design Thinking. It focuses on designer-centric or player-centric design methods and their effectiveness, demonstrated through case studies. The course revolves around a game-centric design approach rather than conventional target definition and user research methods.
GDN4004 Play with Purpose 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master Korean Yes
This class focuses on learning game design for creating Serious Games, which are designed with educational or social purposes rather than pure entertainment. Students will study game design theory and learn how to apply it when planning Serious Games. The course involves understanding game design principles and applying the knowledge to develop their own game ideas through paper prototyping. During the class, students will move beyond conventional fun-centric game design and acquire skills in designing Serious Games that combine both enjoyment and social significance.
GDN4005 Playing for Impact: Impact Game Design Workshop 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master - No
This course is a project-based workshop that spans one semester and focuses on planning and developing games with themes centered around Social Impact. Throughout the course, students will work on developing actual games, starting from smaller projects and gradually moving towards more substantial ones, for a total of 2-3 game development cycles. They will engage in playtesting and receive feedback on their projects. The students will directly experience the iterative development process by creating, testing, and refining games on their own. By the end of the course, they will have completed various Serious Games as the final outcomes of their work.
GDN4006 The Science of Fun: Cognitive Psychology in Serious Game Design 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master - No
This course offers an exploration of Serious Games from the perspectives of cognitive psychology and behavioral psychology. While psychology typically analyzes and explains certain situations or states, this course focuses on studying the actions that create those states and situations directly.
GDN4007 Game Mechanic Design 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master - No
This is a foundational course that cultivates the ability to design game mechanics. Through this course, students will learn about the various factors to consider when designing games and directly create designs for each game design element. Once the basic design is complete, they will go through the process of paper prototyping or implementing it simply in software to validate the core fun factor. They will iterate on the game design, refining it to derive the intended game mechanics.
GDN4008 Game business model design and research 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master Korean Yes
The course "Game Business Model Design and Research" focuses on the modern gaming industry, where various business models have emerged and evolved based on the development of games and changes in the era. In this course, students learn to derive business models that align with the unique characteristics of games and propose future revenue models. Initially, games operated on a coin-insertion model, which later evolved into game title purchases. Today, a wide range of genres are offered on various platforms, including "freemium" games that are provided for free or games that utilize advertising as a revenue model. By studying the history of business models that have emerged based on the trends of the era and marketing strategies, students engage in case studies to select a virtual game and derive a suitable business model while proposing future revenue models.
GDN4009 Game and Society 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master - No
"Games and Society" is a course that explores the cultural, industrial, and policy-related conflicts and considerations arising from the development of modern games as artistic creations and reflections of social culture, surpassing their initial purpose as mere entertainment software. In this course, students learn about the impact of games on our society and how game designers, as creators, understand and navigate their interactions with players. As games continue to exert a greater influence on our society, issues of game regulation and responsible usage policies have emerged, leading to some conflicts. In this course, students engage in an exploration and discussion of the diverse impacts games have on our society and contemplate how our society perceives and utilizes games.
GDN4010 Game startup and entrepreneurship 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master - No
"Game Startup and Entrepreneurship" is a course that teaches understanding of the gaming industry and the startup process. This course focuses on providing students with hands-on experience in real entrepreneurial activities such as game market research, game design proposal writing, and mock investment acquisition, while fostering an entrepreneurial mindset. Through this course, students will acquire essential concepts and tools required to successfully start a game company in the gaming industry. The course is conducted in various forms, including lectures, discussions, practical exercises, and project-based learning. In lectures, theoretical concepts and case studies related to game company startups are covered, while discussions allow students to share ideas and receive feedback. As a final project, students engage in game market research, design proposal writing, and experience virtual entrepreneurship by receiving evaluations from mock investors.
GDN4011 Game Design Project 1 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master Korean Yes
This course is a class that engages in comprehensive design in the field of game design. The curriculum is divided into Basic 1 and Advanced 2. In the Basic 1 class, general investigation and research necessary for project execution are conducted, and preliminary research focusing on theory and case studies is conducted to derive solutions. The purpose of this course is to assign game design-related projects based on industry demands and current trends at the time of its offering and to explore, design, implement, improve, and commercialize various open-ended solutions at a practical level. It involves directly preparing and producing a working prototype that can demonstrate a practical vision for commercialization, allowing students to refine their skills and qualities as full-stack game designers and engage in practical multidisciplinary projects. Depending on the offering, this course may be conducted in collaboration with renowned IP holders and overseas universities, and team-based planning and production are carried out. At the end of the semester, competitive presentations to companies or roadshow exhibitions are held with overseas universities. This course can be jointly guided by a supervising professor and an expert group from collaborating companies.
GDN4012 Research on Game 1 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master - No
The "Game Research" course is designed to explore and research games from an academic perspective, leading to the creation of research papers. The course is divided into two parts: Game Research 1 and Game Research 2. In Game Research 1, students critically review existing game-related research to identify additional research topics or new research subjects. They will work towards developing a research proposal and finalizing the research methodology. Once the literature review and research methodology are established, students will utilize the vacation period to draft their papers. In Game Research 2, the goal of the course is to set target journals, submit the papers according to the journal publishing schedule, and have them published as KCI or SCI level papers.
GDN4013 Game study 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master - No
This course covers a broad and diverse range of foundational theories in the field of gaming. It offers a wider and more fundamental perspective than researching specific game topics or creating games from a practical standpoint. Instead, it provides opportunities for profound reflections on the enjoyment and immersion that games offer from a humanistic, psychological, and sociological standpoint, among others.
GDN4014 AI based game design 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master - No
Artificial intelligence (AI) is bringing about a revolutionary change in the game design process. In the 70s and 80s, game designers had the freedom to independently and creatively design games. However, in the present day, game designers face an industry environment where they cannot achieve free game design without the assistance of other developers. Nevertheless, with the introduction of AI, game designers now have the ability to test and innovate game design on their own. This course aims to explore how the role of game designers and the dynamics within game development teams have been evolving. Students will learn about case studies of game design utilizing generative AI and engage in practical exercises to derive game proposals through the actual game design process.